
Slate Stone - An Informative Guide to this Natural Stone

by Key Crops on Apr 20, 2023

slate stone


You might be surprised that the word "Slate" comes from the French word "Scalar" which means fragment. However, talking about this material, the slate stone is a fine-grained metamorphic rock derived from the volcanic ash deposited millions of years ago in layers known as bedding. A finely grained foliated metamorphic rock goes through low-grade metamorphism of mudrock.

This stone can be used in various areas, including wall cladding, roofing, flooring, etc. However, we will talk here about slate stone walls and cladding. So, if you are also searching for this stone, this article will be perfect. Below you will find all details, including the extraction process, uses characteristics, how you should build a slate wall, etc.

Geology of Slate Stone

It is a metamorphic rock composed of illite, chlorite, and quartz. It also consists of a small quantity of carbonate minerals, iron sulphides like pyrite, and iron oxides like magnetite & hematite. Usually, you see the slate stone in a grey shade, but its colour depends on the mineral composition. You can also see slate in grey, green, purple, black, and red shades.

Extraction of Slate Stone

Now here is a brief idea about the extraction process. The slate stone extraction process includes two methods: Underground Mines and Open Quarries. However, to your knowledge, Spain has the world's largest slate quarry and is the world's largest producer & exporter of natural slate stone. Around 90% of the slate used is obtained from Spain. Brazil is the second largest producer of this natural stone.

The extraction process is 100% natural, and no chemicals or treatments are used. The most crucial point to be noted here is that this stone is formed in low heat & pressure, and some fossils can also be found in this stone.

Uses of Slate Stone

This stone has been used as a construction material for years due to its durability, versatility, and pleasing look. However, being a natural stone, slate requires a bit of modification to make it fireproof, waterproof, pollutant resistant, and durable material. The slate is further used in many areas, including:

1. Slate Stone Cladding

You can choose Black orĀ Rusty Slate CladdingĀ that enriches the beauty of any wall. This stone is a durable, robust, and pleasing material used in wall claddings. The best part about it is that it offers excellent strength and flexibility.

2. Roofing

This stone is popularly used as a roofing material due to its low water absorption rate, durability, wind resistance, good insulating capability, moisture resistance, and cold resistance. These stones can last for years on your roof.

3. Landscaping

This natural stone can also be used in various landscaping projects due to its weather and pollution-resistant properties. You can useĀ natural stones for your homeĀ in exterior wall covering, paving paths, risers, and treads on stairs, patios, and swimming pools.

4. Other Uses

A high-quality slate is also used for tombstones. This natural stone is also used in laboratory bench tops, countertops, restaurant plates, etc. The slate was also used as writing slates and blackboards in schools.

The fun part is that you can create your stone wall cladding with slate. However, installing slate flooring on your own is not recommended as you might end up ruining your floor.

But with wall cladding, it's super easy to install these stones. Here are some of the installation tips and steps you need to take care of while installing slate stone cladding.

Tips to Install Stone Wall Cladding

Slate stone wall cladding offers any wall a unique, contemporary, and stylish finish. Not only the pleasing look, theĀ natural stone wall coveringĀ offers durability and robustness. Resulting in a much stronger, appealing, and unique wall covering. However, if you want to install stone wall cladding, then you need to take care of specific tips that are discussed below:

  • The first and foremost step is to measure your area and wall correctly. Identify how many stones would be required to create wall cladding. You can take help from a professional in measuring and identifying the number of stones needed.
  • Now build a solid foundation for slate stone wall cladding. You can create a foundation with either brick or concrete. If you are installing wall cladding on an existing wall, ensure it is strong, cleaned, and properly levelled.
  • Ensure the surface is even and contains no paint or debris.
  • Before laying the slate stone cladding on the wall, make a rough layout on the ground for proper placement and pattern.
  • Now you are all set to install slate stone wall cladding. Make sure to use quality adhesive, as the durability of your wall cladding depends only on it.
  • Once you lay all the stones, it's time to seal them. Ensure that you use quality sealers.

You are done laying your own slate stone wall cladding. This will strengthen the wall and enrich your space's look.


We've covered everything you need to know about this stone. Now that you know all the details, you might be ready with your first project.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are the most common questions that people have regarding this natural stone. Find the answers and get your doubts cleared.Ā 

Q1. What is slate stone used for?

There are many uses of this stone which we've already discussed above. Apart from those, this stone can also be used in billiard tables. The smooth surface of the table is made of the slate itself.

Q2. Can slate be used for walls?

Yes, slate can be used for walls. Apart from walls, slate can be used as roofing, paving, and decorative aggregates.

Q3. Is slate natural stone?

Slate is a natural stone that is quarried mainly from the mountains. It is a metamorphic rock formed from other types of rock.

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