
Everything You Need to Know About Volcanic Rocks and Its Types

by Gourav Vishwakarma on Apr 20, 2023

Everything You Need to Know About Volcanic Rocks and Its Types

Volcanoes are continually expanding and changing. New rocks are added to the surrounding area every time a volcanic eruption occurs. The development and destruction of rocks and the sculpting of the Earth's surface are influenced by volcanic eruptions. 

Volcanic rocks differ based on the properties of the volcano from which they emerged. They are unique because we can study them to discover when and how they were formed. In this blog, we will discuss about volcanic rocks and their uses.

What Are Volcanic Rocks?

A Volcanic Rock is produced when magma exits and cools above or very near the Earth's surface. These are the rocks that emerge when volcanoes erupt and crevices ooze. When molten rock erupts on the surface, the magma, known as lava, cools and solidifies nearly rapidly when exposed to the relatively cool temperature of the atmosphere. 

Because mineral crystals do not have much time to develop due to rapid cooling, these rocks have a highly fine-grained or even glassy structure. Hot gas bubbles are frequently trapped in quenched lava, resulting in a bubbly, vesicular texture. Such characteristics make volcanic rocks perfect to create Natural Stones for Outdoor Settings.

What Are Plutonic Rocks?

Plutonic rocks are a type of igneous rock found beneath the Earth's surface. Intrusive igneous rocks are another name for them. These rocks are formed when magma cools slowly beneath the Earth's surface and hardens. We can divide plutonic rocks into two groups based on whether or not they are tabular.

Tabular plutonic rocks have been filled with magma after a fracture, or another weak plane has been exposed. Tabular plutonic rocks are smaller than non-tabular plutonic rocks. It takes a long time for a plutonic rock to form beneath the Earth's surface. This is because magma cools very slowly. This process permits individual magma crystals to coalesce and grow huge.

Difference Between Volcanic Rocks And Plutonic Rocks

Based on their location, we can divide igneous rocks into two groups: plutonic and volcanic rocks. 

The primary distinction between plutonic and volcanic rocks is that plutonic rocks form beneath the Earth's surface, while volcanic rocks form when exposed to air. You should look for Ways to Incorporate Stones in Your Homes if you want to use stones made from any of these natural materials. Basalt is a common example of volcanic rock. It can be used for a variety of functions and is popular among builders and homeowners.

What Is Basalt?

This natural stone is made from a common volcanic rock that ranges from grey to black in colour. It is an igneous rock formed from lava that is found near volcanic cracks or exposed on the planet Earth's surface. Due to the hasty cooling of lava on the Earth's surface, this natural stone is usually fine-grained.
Basalt is one of the greatest volcanic rocks examples that make up at least 90% of the volcanic rock on the planet's surface. It is also a big part of the ocean crust and a common volcanic rock on most ocean islands. 

This rock has a glassy matrix or possesses fine-grained mineral grains mixed in that produces distinct stone textures. Basalt has a lower silica content, resulting in a low viscosity and quick lava flow. 

The following are some of the most prevalent applications for basalt.

  • Construction
  • Decoration
  • Remove Carbon Dioxide
  • Flooring
  • Produce Pipes
  • Making Monuments
  •  Jewellery Making

Basalt Flooring

Basalt is primarily mined in China, the United States, Mexico, and some parts of India and Italy. Basalt tiles are primarily grey in hue, with variable light and dark black shades. A uniform background and some mineral deposits are desirable in basalt tiles; they should also be very obvious in colour and selection. Large mineral deposits should also be avoided while selecting the right basalt flooring.

Basalt tiles must be homogeneous in colour and precisely cut using a double cutting machine to achieve proper size and good quality. Although basalt tiles have a high absorption rate, they can be utilised in moist regions. 

These tiles should not be used in fully submerged areas. Basalt tiles or slabs are useful and practical flooring materials. They are commonly used as parking tiles. Basalt stone can be honed, polished, or finished in a variety of ways to create unique items that are tailored to fit your needs.

This stone is ideal for adding a touch of style to your home. Basalt is used in many big gathering rooms, such as dining halls and kitchens, because of its low-maintenance and long-lasting properties. This particular tiling, unlike other stones, has a narrower range of hues, which might truly complement the buyer's colour scheme and style inside the intended space.


Many factors influence how volcanic eruptions produce rocks, as well as the types and shapes of rocks that volcanoes can create. Volcanologists can analyse igneous rocks that developed from a volcano to learn how it erupted, study its geological history, and predict future eruptions by looking at the igneous rocks formed. As research continues on these rocks, we are optimistic that science will find more efficient uses for this natural stone.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. Why Igneous Rocks Are Called Primary Rocks?

Because all other rocks are created directly or indirectly from Lava and Magma, igneous rock is commonly referred to as parent rocks or mother rocks. Lava and magma are materials found beneath the Earth's surface.

Q2. What Do You Mean by Flood Basalt?

Before solidification and cooling, this lava extended over a large area. The term ‘flood basalt’ refers to the creation of a sequence of lava flows.

Q3. What Are Some Properties of Igneous Rocks?

The cooling of magma or lava produces igneous rocks. These rocks have various features, including chemical composition, grain structure, texture, and colour. The cooling duration of this type of rock and the type of magma it was created from is used to classify it.

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